Case Study:

Strategic Plan and Fundraising Advice


Higher Education, Nonprofit, Government

Our Role

  • Provide training on nonprofit and foundation best practices 
  • Facilitate strategic planning retreats 
  • Survey community members 
  • Develop a plan to increase fundraising 
  • Develop a plan to increase organizational capacity 


The Murrysville Parks & Recreation Foundation was created several years ago to improve the parks and recreation ecosystem within a suburban municipality of more than 20,000 residents. Specifically, foundation founders identified the need for a separate 501c3 entity that could champion fundraising and grantmaking for its parks and recreational programs. While the foundation had early successes and impacts on the community, leadership felt it was time to significantly ramp-up efforts and define the infrastructure needed to do so. 


The Hill Group worked with the foundation to scope a consulting approach sensitive to their budget which included several monthly strategy development sessions, development and deployment of an online survey to gather community input, training on fundraising fundamentals, identification and characterization of potential donors, and a plan for fundraising infrastructure, outreach, and solicitation. Armed with community-driven priorities for the future of its parks and recreation ecosystem and a first-ever plan for fundraising, the foundation is poised to help move its community from good to great. 


Behind the Scenes

The Foundation had existed for several years and decided it wanted to increase its impact, which would require new thinking about its strategy and structureA supportive Mayor, Council, Board, and staff seized strategic planning as an opportunity to pivot the Foundation from a passive recipient of irregular gifts to a proactive fundraiser and community leader that could help create the region’s best parks and recreation ecosystem.  The Hill Group helped envision this new reality through training and planning.