Helping Nonprofit Institutions and Community-Based Organizations
Nonprofits of all shapes and sizes are consistently faced with limited resources and increased demand, fighting to prove their value and impact as shrinking funding and limited grant opportunities inhibit their ability to fulfill their missions. Additionally, nonprofit organizations are experiencing one of the largest workforce crises in their history, having a direct effect on the individuals they serve. The Hill Group has a rich history of partnering with the nonprofit community. Our experts are as involved in the community as the organizations we work with, and as a firm, we are dedicated to the development and continued improvement of community resources in our region and across the nation.
Large Institutions and Agencies
Nonprofit institutions and enterprises such as those with missions focused on PreK-12 education, higher education, healthcare, and others are complex entities that must balance operational demands with societal benefits – a dual focus on margin and mission. Our team members have served as executives of, board members for, and advisors to institutional nonprofits for decades, and we can help you to:
- Create an enterprise-wide strategic plan with operational plans that cascade into divisions, departments, and work groups
- Design and help to deploy strategic management and continuous improvement systems and processes
- Align budgets and budgeting processes to strategic plans and priorities
- Assess your financial and organizational health
- Provide data analytics, research, and benchmarking to inform plan development, implementation, continuous improvement, and corrective action
- Train staff and board members on appropriate strategic management and governance
- Assess the needs and wants of your workforce, providing data and insights on strategies to improve recruitment, retention, and workplace morale
- Assist with preparation for and maintenance of critical accreditations or standards programs
- Explore, perform due diligence, support decision-making, and assist with implementation of strategic alliances, mergers, or acquisitions
- Evaluate the economic impacts and societal benefits of your work to drive institutional advancement and advocacy efforts
Small but Mighty Organizations
Our experts in strategy, execution, and measurement partner with neighborhood organizations, community groups, long-established, and start-up nonprofit agencies across all mission areas to build capacity and maximize impact. We can help your organization to:
- Develop a strategic plan and build a culture of “strategic thinking and doing” that prioritizes activities to maximize outcomes and impacts
- Engage with and assess the needs of your community members, customers, or clients to inform strategic decision-making
- Assess, provide recommendations to enhance, and provide guidance on the development of organizational capacity and infrastructure, ensuring you have the people, processes, and technology needed to operate effectively and efficiently
- Build business plans for new ventures that grow revenue and impact your mission, providing insight on market dynamics, operational requirements, and financial possibilities
- Train staff and volunteers on nonprofit management best practices
- Train boards on nonprofit governance best practices and compliance requirements
- Assess opportunities for partnerships and alliances to improve operating efficiencies and achieve more impact
- Quantify the economic impacts and societal benefits of your activities to support grant requests and community engagement
Associations and Advocacy Groups
Trade associations, civic societies, and advocacy organizations that exist to serve and promote members and important causes can benefit from our deep experience and expertise in strategy, execution, and measurement. Our team provides data and research, facilitates strategy development, and provides counsel on operational improvements to improve outcomes and impacts. We can help your association or advocacy organization to:
- Develop and align long-term strategy with the needs and wants of your members and constituents
- Gather, analyze, and synthesize data from your members and constituents and turn it into actionable intelligence to drive service delivery and evolve advocacy agendas
- Provide training for staff, board, and committee members on best practices for strategy and management, including continuous quality improvement efforts
There are several factors that nonprofits must consider to continue to thrive: strong leadership, a concise and compelling mission, resources, and financial support to name a few. By helping to identify and strengthen these core components, The Hill Group can aid in developing an effective strategic approach to accomplishing goals that directly feed into the organization’s mission and vision for the community.
Each and every nonprofit organization, regardless of size or mission, faces that same pressure for accountability with limited resources. The Hill Group can help your nonprofit organization achieve maximum potential through business model development, financial assessment and management, and governance assessment “grant implementation and integration to align with funder expectations” and training.
Understanding the insights of staff and key stakeholders is vital for the nonprofit community. The Hill Group’s measurement work with nonprofits can help your organization build a culture of feedback and continuous improvement, increasing your organization’s capacity to fulfill its mission.
Related Case Studies
Magee-Womens Research Institute and Foundation receives the most NIH funding for women’s health research and has transformed the field. Through a strategic plan focused on global impact, The Hill Group helped MWRIF to identify critical priorities and investments for the next ten years that will transform women’s health research around the world.
The Community Foundation for the Alleghenies serves four distinct and diverse counties and amassed nearly $100 million in assets over its 30-plus years. The Hill Group performed primary and secondary market research and facilitated long-term planning to amplify CFA’s growth and impact and continue to position the organization at the forefront of community leadership.
Manchester Bidwell was in a position to enhance the capacity and sustainability of the organization. Hill Group Consultants, with support from The Heinz Endowments, completed a three-phase project, including an organizational capacity review, strategic planning process, and business planning process.
The Community Foundation of the Northern Alleghenies, serving two counties in rural Pennsylvania with nearly $20 million in assets, engaged The Hill Group to reimagine its vision for the future, build capacity, and help prepare the organization for smooth leadership transitions through a single-day, high-impact planning retreat.
Pittsburgh Community Services, Inc. (PCSI), an agency to address causes of poverty and to eliminate its effects, engaged The Hill Group to conduct Phase II of its Community Needs Assessment throughout the City of Pittsburgh and to gain an understanding of the breadth and depth of needs held by city residents.